Thames Valley Early Music Forum
Links to other Early Music Fora and websites
Other early music fora
Border Marches EMF
EMF of Scotland
Eastern EMF
Midlands EMF
North East EMF
North West EMF
Southern EMF
South West EMF
Early Music Organisation of Ireland
(Richard Sweeney, 19 Edenvale Rd,
Ranelagh, Dublin 6)
Other early music Organisations
National Centre for Early Music (York)
National Early Music Association UK
Lute Society
Viola da Gamba Society
SRP Society of Recorder Players
British Harpsichord Society
Ancient FM Radio
Renaissance Voices (Maidenhead)
Bachtrack classical music and ballet listings
Belsize Baroque
TVEMF members' web sites (in alphabetical order)
David Allinson
Arti Fiati Wycombe cornetts, sackbuts & curtals
Berkshire Recorder Consort
Jane Booth
Brighton Early Music Festival